Thursday, August 5, 2010


Health is a state of complete physical, mental and social, not merely the absence of infections or diseases. It is important that people do the necessary things to get good health, since good performance of people depends on their health. There are some factors for the control of our health. The people should do to have a good health for example practice sports or exercise every day because our body needs exercise to have a good action. Also, it is important to change bad habits like smoking or drinking liquors. Another important aspect is to visit a doctor when you are sick. Having a good diet is very important for our health. The stress is very bad. It causes other diseases for example high blood pressure. We should prevent the stress…we should relax.

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Huntington Beach


To travel is an excellent opportunity to spend the vacations or our free time. Many people travel around the world and enjoy visiting new places. There are many different aspects that help us choose a better place to travel, for example the weather that you like most, how far it is from home. Also, it is very important the cost of the travel, and the people that are going to travel. For these aspects, there is much information for example on internet or in a travel agency. The beaches, the mountains, the city are the places most visited by people. In my opinion, the best place is the beach. But the most important is to enjoy where more we like and choose the best place.

Thursday, July 22, 2010


The food is very necessary for the people because our body needs different things to function, for example minerals, vitamins, carbohydrates and energy. These substances are found in the food that we eat every day, for example in meats, in fruits, in vegetables, and more.

There are many different types of food, and each type with different effects in the people, for example the chili peppers relax people, the chocolate is to feel in love and very happy, and the turkey can help the person feel energetic.

Monday, July 12, 2010


There are many different types of video games, but all are to entertain the players. Some types are: sports such FIFA, for cars, violence, dynamic, fight, adventure, education, mental agility, life simulation, and action.
In my opinion, the videogames are one entertainment for all people because there are for all types of person, but now in the society there is a serious problem because the children play violent video games and they attempt to simulate in the real life and this is a reason of violent cases in our society.
I think that the parents should take care of their children and prevent they play this type of video games; on the contrary, the parents should buy video games for children.


The social mores, which vary dramatically by geographic region around the world, had some of the greatest importance in the development of any man or woman of society. And the emphasis for a child to learn their place in society and how to behave at an early age has been almost forgotten. I think it is very important to know about the etiquette of our country to behave in the best way because many things we do not know, for example, that putting make up in public zones is not correct. Another example is that you can not eat on the streets.

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Innocent or Guilty

Life in prison is very bad. People suffer a lot because they need punishment. It is common in our country to hear that the prisons are overcrowded, the meals are very poor, and the treatment of police toward people is also very bad. Besides, it makes prisoners pay perhaps too high punishment. The biggest problem is that many people are innocent and are suffering punishment, and others that are guilty are free.

Friday, June 4, 2010


The money is very important in our lives, and it is very necessary for all. For this reason, many people are interested in having a lot of money because for everything we need to pay, for food, for clothes, for study, for house, for transportation and more. So, it is very necessary that we have money, but many people do not have enough money because they do not know how to manage their salary or other incomes.

So, how to save money? Maybe the best form is doing a budget with our incomes, expenses and savings, so we do not spend more than that we earn. Also, it is necessary to make priorities, spend on the most important and always save money. I think that the money is not the most important thing in our lives, but it is very necessary. The people are interested in having a lot of money and are not interested in other things that are very important.

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

My community!

My community is Bejuco. It is located in Guanacaste. Bejuco is very nice and little. It has many beautiful beaches like: Playa Maderos, Playa San Miguel, Punta Islita and more, and a lot of nature and National Parks. The people are very friendly and sociable. They always help each other.

Sunday, May 23, 2010

my ideal job

I think that my ideal job would be dentist because I like what I will do in this job. Also, I like the salary in this job. My dream is not to make a lot of money, but I want to have two children and for this reason I know that I need to have money. Another important aspect for me is that I can have my own business with my own dental clinic, so I can spend more time with my family. I love to help people and in this job I can help people.

Thursday, May 20, 2010


Hello!!!! My name is Sofia Cortes. I am from Guanacaste, but now I live in Alajuela. My family is composed by five members, my father, my mother, and two brothers. My principal hobby is to play soccer with my team in Guanacaste. I won two medals in two different National Games of Costa Rica. I love soccer. But in free time I also like listening to music and go dancing. I study dentistry in ULACIT. I love to help many people, for this reason I study dentistry. It is very important that I know English, so I want to learn in this course