Thursday, August 5, 2010


Health is a state of complete physical, mental and social, not merely the absence of infections or diseases. It is important that people do the necessary things to get good health, since good performance of people depends on their health. There are some factors for the control of our health. The people should do to have a good health for example practice sports or exercise every day because our body needs exercise to have a good action. Also, it is important to change bad habits like smoking or drinking liquors. Another important aspect is to visit a doctor when you are sick. Having a good diet is very important for our health. The stress is very bad. It causes other diseases for example high blood pressure. We should prevent the stress…we should relax.

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Huntington Beach


To travel is an excellent opportunity to spend the vacations or our free time. Many people travel around the world and enjoy visiting new places. There are many different aspects that help us choose a better place to travel, for example the weather that you like most, how far it is from home. Also, it is very important the cost of the travel, and the people that are going to travel. For these aspects, there is much information for example on internet or in a travel agency. The beaches, the mountains, the city are the places most visited by people. In my opinion, the best place is the beach. But the most important is to enjoy where more we like and choose the best place.