Thursday, June 24, 2010

Innocent or Guilty

Life in prison is very bad. People suffer a lot because they need punishment. It is common in our country to hear that the prisons are overcrowded, the meals are very poor, and the treatment of police toward people is also very bad. Besides, it makes prisoners pay perhaps too high punishment. The biggest problem is that many people are innocent and are suffering punishment, and others that are guilty are free.

Friday, June 4, 2010


The money is very important in our lives, and it is very necessary for all. For this reason, many people are interested in having a lot of money because for everything we need to pay, for food, for clothes, for study, for house, for transportation and more. So, it is very necessary that we have money, but many people do not have enough money because they do not know how to manage their salary or other incomes.

So, how to save money? Maybe the best form is doing a budget with our incomes, expenses and savings, so we do not spend more than that we earn. Also, it is necessary to make priorities, spend on the most important and always save money. I think that the money is not the most important thing in our lives, but it is very necessary. The people are interested in having a lot of money and are not interested in other things that are very important.

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

My community!

My community is Bejuco. It is located in Guanacaste. Bejuco is very nice and little. It has many beautiful beaches like: Playa Maderos, Playa San Miguel, Punta Islita and more, and a lot of nature and National Parks. The people are very friendly and sociable. They always help each other.